Sardinia Project

The aim of the project is to support the spaying and neutering feral cats in an area of the south of Sardinia where the animal straying is a wide phenomenon.

These homeless cats usually live short, miserable lives without consistent food, water, shelter or veterinary care.

They live in colonies with other feral cats and many don't survive beyond one year.

A small team of local volunteers started spaying and neutering them with the support of two veterinarians but they need resources for the basic elements of surgical operations.

Dog Angels Onlus has decided to provide a partnership effort with this team, rising funds for this mission.

What we ask you is your help and support in this project.

A small contribution from many people will make the difference.

All money given for this project will be registered and published on our website. We will provide a formal receipt if requested.

You can also check the progress of the project through our web pages.

To give your contribution you can:
Send a bank transfer : IBAN  IT65V0760101600000038371209


Donate through Paypal

Please specifying the reason of the transfer as:  “Sardinia project”

Thanks in advance for your help.

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